Envu adds Green Solutions Team member

Adam Gore moves over after six years working at Clemson University, where he also earned three academic degrees.

New Envu Green Solutions Team member Adam Gore's headshot against a stylized background.

Envu has a tiger for its turf challenges.

Envu Turf & Ornamentals hired Adam Gore, Ph.D. — who has worked the last six years at Clemson University as a horticulture extension agent specializing in turfgrass agronomy and weedy plant control —  to provide technical support and agronomic solutions to the most complex turf challenges. Gore brings 18 years of turfgrass experience to the team.

“Adam is an exceptional addition to our team,” Green Solutions Team manager Zac Reicher, Ph.D., said. “With his background in applied research and extension services, Adam brings a unique blend of practical knowledge and scientific insight to our team. Adam’s commitment to advancing turfgrass health and quality aligns perfectly with our mission to provide the best possible support to our customers.”

A South Carolina native, Gore received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from Clemson University. His research included weed control as well as plant health products on cool- and warm-season greens, and the potential impact of copper within industry products. His numerous peer-reviewed articles span several facets of the turfgrass industry.

In his spare time, Gore and his wife enjoy hiking local state parks with their dogs or visiting botanical gardens. Gore and his family currently reside in South Carolina but will be making the move to Florida soon to best serve Envu customers.