Tees to Greens and Everything In-Between presented by SePRO

In bloom

Part of what makes Muirfield Village so successful is a steady stream of young turf pros trained from interns to assistant superintendents.

New tools for a classic spot

Fast approaching five decades in the industry, Chicagoland Agronomy director Dan Dinelli is still learning new tricks.

Blackberry moments

longtime turf pro Andy Eick focuses on the little things that can make life extraordinary.

Maintaining balance

Veteran turf pro Doug Lowe keeps a steady hand at Greensboro Country Club’s two distinct courses.

New course, same schedule

Longtime Michigan superintendent Shaun Osborne changed jobs earlier this year, but he didn’t change everything.

Cutting back

A South Florida club ringed in ornamentals discovered a new PGR solution that both saves time and improves aesthetics.

Small town, big problems

When a Kansas City course lost its greens, a well-connected superintendent found a solution in Zio Fungicide.

Shedding light on phosphorus

In an effort to clean up a famous pond, Baltusrol Golf Club turned to SePRO’s new EutroSORB filters.

A new solution

Two superintendents developed a different PGR schedule for a different labor situation. What’s the PGR solution for your course?

Big maintenance, big control

Experience, data and labor necessities are helping superintendents adapt their PGR usage to elevate course conditions.

Something for dry – and wet – surfaces

A trio of turf professionals in three different growing zones share lessons learned about PGRs and aquatics.