Strictly Business sponsored by Syngenta

SBI 2013: Are you taking care of yourself?

Superintendents at the Syngenta Business Institute talk about how they have special health concerns to watch out for, like skin cancer and heatstroke, not to mention stress or exhaustion.

Team up

Former Syngenta Business Institute attendee uses his new perspective to build a stronger team.

Bridge the gap

Reach outside your own group to bring the crew together, regardless of age.

SBI 2013: What's the water outlook?

Water manangement is taking center focus for many superintendents. Attendees at the Syngenta Business Institute talk about their water use, as well as where they've seen budget cuts in the past year.

Stop arm-wrestling

Strong negotiation skills start with communication.

Get ready to deal

Understand the other side to get what you want out of a negotiation.

SBI 2013: How do you communicate with your members?

Communication is key for superintendents - attendees at the Syngenta Business Institute talk about how they keep in touch with members and managers, and get the word out about golf's environmental benefits.

Reach across cultures

Understand how your crew is approaching the job to build a better team.

Have a word

No matter where they’re from, encouragement and training make better employees.

SBI 2013: How has the job changed?

Superintendents at the 2013 Syngenta Business Institute talk about how the job description has changed over time, as well as what changes they've seen on the course to make the game more fun.

Get your budget

Knowing how to talk about goals and expenses is sound management.