Special Sections

Let’s not be lax

Don’t think properly calibrating a fertilizer spreader is a big deal? Experts explain how complacency can burn turf and tamper with budgets.

‘Special effects’

As courses engage in Fall prep, overseeding offers some key advantages when putting a course to sleep, or to make it come alive.

Forward-thinking decisions

Depending on your location, Fall means a sudden cooldown in temperatures or acceleration in golfer activity. Proper preventative maintenance ensures your greens are ready to handle what awaits.

Far-reaching problem

Dollar spot has been with golf turf for a long time and it’s not going away. Here are some key strategies to understand, address and control this disease.

Achieve clarity

Our research identifies what perplexes you the most about managing your course’s water features, and what strategies have proven successful.

Slave to the grind

Cut is king with superintendents, but some uncertainty exists with how to best achieve and maintain cut quality. GCI partners with Foley United to examine blade and reel maintenance trends.

Cleat chaos

Aggressive new spike designs are chewing up putting surfaces. GCI investigates this nuisance and how to counter it.

2015 State of the Industry Report

The industry is growing in ways that may shock and surprise you. Get the total picture.

Stay sharp

It’s so easy to err when grinding and sharpening mower reels and blades. Here six common mistakes and some well-honed tips to avoid them.

State of the Industry

Our State of the Industry analysis looks to the past to see how the industry is moving forward.

2013 State of the Industry: Feeling lucky?

Cautious optimism prevails throughout the industry, but is it justified?