Living Color sponsored by BASF

Winter green
Use social media to show off vibrant turf during the cold months.
More in Living Color sponsored by BASF
Going dark
See aquatic dyes in action, giving spotty ponds consistent color.
Clean it up with color
Use aquatic colorants to help beat algae and growth while masking trouble water elements on the course.
Get ahead of the growth
Use an aquatic colorant in water elements early in the season to slow down weeds and algae before they start.
Stay on target
Defeat drift with applications by using turf colorants.
Make your mark
Don’t waste that fertilizer app – turf colorants show what you’ve already covered.
Green movement
Turf colorants help supers and players see the difference on the course.
Build up buzz
A chilly spring is no reason for golfers not to talk about how green the course is with the help of colorants.
Go green(er)
Turf colorants boost greenup even while turf is still recovering from the winter onslaught.
Trends in turf colorant
Turf colorants build up aesthetics on the course both in the fall and building back up in spring. Dr. Mark Howieson shows how else they support the course.
Looking healthy
Dr. Mark Howieson of Becker Underwood talks about how turfgrass colorants help keep turf healthy as well as control a more uniform color.