Beyond the Page 63: A different approach to labor

Laurelwood Golf Course superintendent Will Benson has taken a different approach to hiring and onboarding new maintenance team members over the last five years — first out of necessity, and now because it works. Plus, Guy Cipriano discusses some key figures from our annual Numbers to Know survey.

Is your workplace a birdie?

Golf Course Industry is partnering with Best Companies Groups to determine the best courses to work. Publisher + editor-in-chief Guy Cipriano describes how your course can participate in the program.

Beyond the Page 59: The California Cost

California is home to almost 3 million golfers — nearly a million more than any other state — and more courses than any state other than Florida. It's also home to more unfulfilled demand than any other state. Longtime golf industry advocate Craig Kessler breaks down why the Golden State is so unique, how it can work through its many challenges, and more.

No straightforward answer, yet subtle clues

Longtime superintendent Ron Furlong asks what he and his peers can do to attract more women to the industry. One honest conversation has altered his perspective.

What can $1 million do for expanding the industry workforce?

USGA reveals details of five-year partnership in the Carolinas aimed at amplifying the reach of the Greenkeeper Apprenticeship Program.

Elements of retention

Enforcing high-quality standards and cultivating talent takes patience, time, skill and financial resources. What are the best ways to maximize retention and propel the team from strength to strength?

How do you hire?

In this transient labor era, astute superintendents are still finding ways to construct high-achieving teams. What are their secrets?

The short- and long-term of it

Why an experienced superintendent uses coach-like thinking to build his annual golf course maintenance teams.