The meaning of the job and the game

What does the profession — and the game itself — mean to golf course superintendents? Four more turf pros share their perspective.

Clockwise from top left, Todd Zoerink of Elmwood GC, Tony Miranda of Pinecrest GC, Aaron Walding of Pacific Springs GC, and Joe Neumann of Dodger Rivreside GC.
Clockwise from top left, Todd Zoerink of Elmwood GC, Tony Miranda of Pinecrest GC, Aaron Walding of Pacific Springs GC, and Joe Neumann of Dodger Rivreside GC.

Every day should be Thank A Superintendent Day, but, alas, the unofficial holiday is only celebrated on September 12. With TASD fast approaching, Landscapes Golf Management asked some of its corps of field generals two key questions: What does it mean to be a golf course superintendent? And what does golf mean to them?

These are their responses.


Todd Zoerink, Elmwood Golf Course, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

What does it mean to be a golf course superintendent? No two days will be the same and that is all right. I get to spend my day doing something I love with a team that takes pride in its work. It allows me to see the sunrise each morning and spend time with my family every afternoon.

What does golf mean to you? It’s an amazing sport and industry. It allows me to use my creative side to shape how the course will play, provides a platform to showcase the beauty of nature, and lets me see people enjoy the hard work of my team.


Tony Miranda, Pinecrest Golf Club, Huntley, Illinois

What does it mean to be a golf course superintendent? It gives me the opportunity to work on something I love to do. Maintaining the turf, flowers, trees and all the creatures that live on the course is something special, and providing green space for the people who come to play is a privilege. Thank you for allowing me to do my dream job.

What does golf mean to you? Golf is a vehicle that takes you to many places and makes you meet all kinds of people — it’s spectacular!


Joe Neumann, Dodge Riverside Golf Club, Council Bluffs, Iowa

What does it mean to be a golf course superintendent? Someone recognized my work and dedication to taking care of golf courses over the years and thought that I can help train others to continue to make each course better than the day before. It also means I am a part of a unique career field that much of the public has no idea exists. Even most golfers don’t know how we do the job and what it entails.

What does golf mean to you? The longer I’ve been in the industry, the more it seems to affect nearly every aspect of my life. I enjoy working on golf courses. I like playing the game. I like talking with other superintendents about challenges. I like using my experiences to help others better themselves and their golf courses.


Aaron Walding, Pacific Springs Golf Course, Omaha, Nebraska

What does it mean to be a golf course superintendent? Every day I am rewarded, frustrated, critiqued, complimented, challenged, and fulfilled.

What does golf mean to you? Golf is an enjoyable hobby in which all ages and skill levels can participate.