Happy #ThankASuper Day!

The work that every golf course superintendent does matters on — and well beyond — the golf course. On this #ThankASuper Day, the entire Golf Course Industry team wants to show some appreciation for so many talented turf pros.

A playful display of a golf ball, tees, hearts and letters spelling "THANK YOU."

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Every day is #ThankASuper Day here at Golf Course Industry, but the official celebration of the world's best agronomists is the second Tuesday in September. This year, we wanted to send you a more personalized thank-you -- in video form -- from each member of our team.

Up first, publisher and editor-in-chief Guy Cipriano, whose love of the game runs deep:

Managing editor Matt LaWell somehow tied the day to Greek mythology? This makes sense for those who know him:

Today is assistant editor Kelsie Horner's first #ThankASuper Day. She's pretty excited about it -- and about the industry as a whole:

Account representative Jimmy Clark has a great relationship with his club's superintendent, but as a scratch golfer, he appreciates the work of everyone in the industry:

Finally, national sales manager Russ Warner is thankful for 18 great years (and still going strong!) in this industry -- none of which would have been possible with literally tens of thousands of golf course superintendents.