Quali-Pro's Suprado recommended for Bermudagrass mites

The 2(ee) recommendation provides an option for reining in the challenging turfgrass pest.

Quali-Pro now recommends its Suprado insecticide for Bermudagrass mites control. The 2(ee) recommendation provides an option for reining in the challenging turfgrass pest.

Bermudagrass mites have become increasingly more common and problematic during recent years. The adults range from 0.006 to 0.008 inches, are cigar-shaped, and are translucent. Females lay about 50 eggs and they only take about two weeks to develop from an egg to an adult.

The combination of their tiny size, quick life cycle, and high reproductive rate makes diagnosing and controlling bermudagrass mites challenging. Control options in the market are currently limited.