Project EverGreen reaching new heights

Project EverGreen hits the trifecta with its Green Care for Troops, Buck-it-Up and EverGreen Zone programs.

May was proclaimed "Project EverGreen Month" in two Midwestern U.S. cities as the national non-profit group launched a new year of EverGreen Zones and introduced a new initiative to raise money for the creation of scholarships for military families.

This month marks the official start of Project EverGreen’s EverGreen Zone initiative which is a public education program designed to inspire citizens, businesses and developers to increase the number of well-maintained green spaces throughout the U.S. This includes home lawns/landscapes, community spaces, commercial areas, golf courses, sports fields and other green spaces.

This year's two EverGreen Zone cities are Milwaukee, Wis., and Akron, Ohio. Last year, the program was test-piloted in Akron and was deemed a success by green industry professionals and local businessees as educational materials and renovation projects helped raise the general level of awareness in that community based on pre- and post-event surveys.

Through community programs and renovation projects, the EverGreen Zone program is designed to raise public awareness about the benefits of expanding, preserving and maintaining green spaces that positively impact climate change and create countless economic, environmental and lifestyle benefits.

Project EverGreen's plan is to create a number of EverGreen Zones across the country in the next several years.

“Golf courses have always been a visible example of how important it is to take care of green spaces,” said Den Gardner, executive director of Project EverGreen. “Sometimes superintendents take for granted the importance of maintaining green spaces. It’s important for them to reinforce this message with members and players every opportunity they get.”

An EverGreen Zone kick-off event, sponsored by TruGreen, took place in Akron last week and a similar event will take place this week in Milwaukee sponsored by Kujawa Enterprises. The Milwaukee event will include appearances by Project EverGreen's President Chris Kujawa, gardening expert Melinda Myers and Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker.

EverGreen Zone volunteers in Milwaukee will champion the city's green spaces during Jazz at the Park, Summerfest and various other local events by passing out literature, seed packets and other items. These volunteers will place hundreds of yard signs and posters in public and private green spaces all over the city. 
Above and beyond the EverGreen Zone initiative, all consumers and businesses nationwide will have the opportunity to show support – May 9-16, 2009 – for Project EverGreen's latest initiative, "Buck It Up for Military Families."

"Buck It Up" was created as a fundraising program to support the nationally recognized GreenCare for Troops program which provides free lawn and landscape services to families whose major breadwinner is currently serving in active duty.

A single dollar (or $5 or $10) donation creates scholarships for military family members seeking a career in the horticulture industry, increases the infrastructure to better handle the 7,800 military families and 2,100 volunteers currently participating in the program as well as enhances the free lawn and landscape services currently provided. 

“We are excited about our upcoming plans to work with GCSAA on our “Buck it Up” program and the opportunity for superintendents across the country to use their facilities as a venue for us to raise money for scholarships for military families for those seeking careers in the green industry,” Gardner said. “We’re thrilled to be working with the GCSAA, but we also encourage all superintendents to get in touch with us.”

For more information about this program and to contribute, go to