Embracing single-rider revolution, Troon partners with Phat Scooters

Scooters are available for rentals at numerous courses — and help maintain any social distancing requirements.

Troon is diving into the single-rider revolution with a new partnership with PhatScooters, a Tempe, Arizona-based company that produces fun-to-ride, all-electric, single-rider scooters, including Phat Golf Scooters.

Through the partnership, Troon-affiliated facilities receive preferred pricing on Phat Golf Scooters.

The growing single-rider movement naturally fits physical distancing practices, offers golfers a faster pace of play and has less impact on turf than a four-wheel golf cart. Phat Golf Scooters also deliver a new experience for golfers as they can quickly and individually drive to their ball.

“We are thrilled to welcome Phat Scooters as a preferred partner,” Troon COO Mike Ryan said. “Single-rider rounds have increased exponentially at all of our facilities since the beginning of March. Moving forward, we believe this trend will continue as guests continue to observe physical distancing, while seeking new experiences in golf. Phat Scooters offer the ideal solution with their high-quality and fun-to-ride products.”

Phat Scooters are currently available for golfers to rent at numerous Troon-affiliated golf courses, including Whirlwind Golf Club in Chandler, Arizona; Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club in Wickenburg, Arizona; Monarch Beach Golf Links in Dana Point, California; and Pronghorn Golf Club in Bend, Oregon.

Since releasing their innovative HD Golf Scooter in 2018, Phat Scooters leads the single-rider movement with their dependable electric scooters, refined technology and industry-leading customer service. Each HD Golf Scooter has a 2,000-watt electric motor, impressive hill climb, a two-year warranty, and a battery that can last 36 or more holes on a single charge.  Earlier this year, Phat Scooters added to their golf lineup with operations models, including caddie, food & beverage, marshal, and maintenance scooters.

“Troon-managed courses are revered in the golf community as the best of the best,” Phat Scooters CEO Peter Johnson said. “Being selected as a Troon preferred partner validates the shift in the golf industry towards cart alternatives and a faster pace of play. Now more than ever, players are seeking out golf facilities that offer Phat Scooters, and courses that already have a fleet of them are seeing improved profitability per round.”

Each scooter model is precisely engineered to maximize performance and profitability with a small footprint, less wear and tear on turf than traditional golf carts, affordability and unique branding opportunities. Adding the HD Golf as an alternative cart option attracts new golfers while allowing returning players to experience their favorite courses in a new manner.