PBI-Gordon set to begin Green Dividends Early Order Program

Best prices on qualifying products available between Sept. 1 and Dec. 2.

PBI-Gordon Green Dividends logo

PBI-Gordon announced its Green Dividends Early Order Program will offer the best prices on qualifying products between Sept. 1 and Dec. 2.  

The EOP features the company’s most popular products, including new Aethon Herbicide SL for Turfgrass, Arkon Herbicide Liquid, Pedigree Fungicide SC,  Union Fungicide SC, Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds, Segway Fungicide SC and SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf.

Program details include:

  • Participants who registered online in previous years will be automatically enrolled in the 2024 EOP.
  • More information on the program and access to the Rebate Calculator and Planning Tool can be found by CLICKING HERE.
  • Level 1 ($500-$999) Green Dividends EOP participants can earn an additional 15 percent rebate. Level II ($1,000 or more) participants can earn an additional rebate of 25 percent.
  • All orders must be made through a PBI-Gordon distributor.