PBI-Gordon featuring new post-emergent herbicide in Phoenix

Arkon Herbicide Liquid has been approved for use in most states.

PBI-Gordon will feature Arkon Herbicide Liquid — its newest liquid herbicide innovation for post-emergent control of sedges, kyllingas and other broadleaf weeds — at the 2024 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show.

Arkon will be featured in booth #2154 alongside other leading PBI-Gordon products for the golf course maintenance industry:

  • Segway Fungicide SC
  • SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
  • Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide  

In 2023, Arkon Herbicide Liquid was approved for use in most U.S. states (excluding California and Alaska). The EPA previously approved Federal registration for the herbicide.

Now available nationwide, Arkon is labeled for use on established cool- and warm-season turfgrass species across a wide variety of use sites, including golf course greens, fairways and roughs.

Utilizing the innovative and proprietary active ingredient pyrimisulfan, Arkon provides post-emergent control of sedges (yellow, purple and annual), kyllinga (green false green, cockscomb and annual), dollar weed, chickweed, henbit and many other labeled broadleaf weeds. Additionally, research has shown that the liquid herbicide reduces the number and viability of nutsedge tubers.

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