PBI-Gordon introduces Aethon Herbicide SL for Turfgrass

Formulated for southern turfgrass, the new liquid herbicide offers control of sedges, kyllingas and several key broadleaf weeds.

PBI-Gordon has introduced Aethon Herbicide SL for Turfgrass, a new formulation to help control sedges, kyllingas and several key broadleaf weeds on southern, warm-season grasses such as Floratam, Bitterblue and other improved varieties of St. Augustinegrass

Aethon Herbicide SL for Turfgrass features a proprietary blend of the active ingredients pyrimisulfan and penoxsulam. Research has shown the combination delivers post-emergent control of sedges (yellow, purple and annual), kyllinga (green, false green, cockscomb and annual), dollarweed, doveweed, ground ivy, chickweed, plantain and several labeled broadleaf weeds in a single application. Additionally, Aethon reduces the number and viability of nutsedge tubers.

Labeled for use across a wide variety of sites, including golf fairways, tees, roughs and aprons, Aethon is available for sale nationwide and will be included in PBI-Gordon’s Green Dividends Early Order Program in fall 2024.

The application rate for Aethon is as follows:

  • 1.2 to 1.7 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet
  • Retreatment after 30 days is allowed, but do not apply more than 2.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet per year
  • For harder-to-control weeds, make two applications at the 1.2 fluid ounces per 1,000-square-feet rate

“Aethon Herbicide SL for Turfgrass is a game-changer,” said Jason Manz, vice president of strategic marketing and new business development for PBI-Gordon. “Not only is this innovative product uniquely formulated for the needs of southern turfgrasses, but it also delivers long-term control of sedges, kyllingas, and key broadleaf weeds.”

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