List of superintendent-bloggers grows

A few of our picks for some of the best superintendent blogs.

In a recent post on his blog, superintendent Chris Tritabaugh noted that the number of superintendent bloggers has multiplied.

The blogging program he uses requires a user profile, which lists Tritabaugh's occupation as golf course superintendent. If you click his occupation, it links to other users who list the same occupation.

"In the early days of this blog I can remember clicking on this link and seeing only a handful of fellow GCSs," Tritabaugh says (he started his blog in December 2007). "Today I clicked on this link and found there to be 180 Golf Course Superintendents on Blogger."

Though it's not a scientific study by any means, I've noticed a similar trend. And that's just one blogging platform -- there are many others, such as WordPress, TypePad, etc. Golf Course Industry's list of superintendent blogs-to-watch gets longer every week. There's a growing contingent of blogging superintendents who have a lot of good information to share. Here are just a few of my picks for some of the best superintendent blogs. Who's on your list? 

The Country Club at Castle Pines Golf Course Maintenance, Sean McCue
We featured McCue and his blog in our May Cover Story:

The Ridge at Castle Pines North - Agronomy and Golf Course Maintenance, David Soltvedt

Northland Country Club Turfgrass Management, Chris Tritabaugh
Tritabaugh is also on Twitter:

Lora Bay Golf Course Maintenance Department, Chris LeCour

Vail Golf Club Maintenance, Stephen Sarro

Glen Echo Country Club Golf Grounds Management, Joe Wachter

Justin C. Ruiz, CGCS

Sandstone Area Golf Course - Maintenance, Dean Rollie

Super's News and Views, Jeff Stuart

The Hasentree Club Department of Agronomy, Craig De Jong

Greensuper blog, William Brown
Brown is also on Twitter:
We featured him in our October cover story on the best mobile phone applications for superintendents: