LebanonTurf releases new Proscape Fertilizer

Combination includes Acelepryn insecticide plus Dimension herbicide.

LebanonTurf has announced the release of Proscape Fertilizer with Acelepryn plus Dimension. This new combination product features fertilizer, insecticide and herbicide that controls and protects against grubs and crabgrass throughout the season.

Billed as a “one-two-three punch in turf care,” Proscape Fertilizer with Acelepryn plus Dimension is designed for just one spring application in most environments. Applications include golf course fairways, tees, collars and roughs, plus athletic fields, established home and commercial lawns, office complexes, parks, playgrounds, schools, and day-care facilities. 

“This product is a huge time-saver for golf course superintendents,” said Chris Gray, golf marketing manager of professional fertilizers at LebanonTurf. “And not just them, but we believe all professional turf managers will appreciate having these benefits available in one application.”

The Proscape fertilizer has been a high quality staple brand in the professional market for years and features patented MESA, Meth-Ex and Expo nutrient components, but the additions give the product new versatility. The Acelepryn insecticide combats grubs, caterpillars and weevils, as well as cinch bugs and billbugs. Also, the Dimension herbicide kills and prevents crabgrass, goosegrass and Poa annua, among other unwanted grasses and weeds.

“With our strong distribution network and this new powerful product, we feel we’ve made turf care easier and more effective for our customers,” Gray said.

LebanonTurf will showcase the new product and answer questions at the 2016 Golf Industry Show in San Diego.