Club Car refreshes

Website communicates system’s revenue-improvement technology.

Club Car, a brand of Ingersoll Rand, re-launched, a reinvigorated website that communicates the benefits of the Visage Mobile Golf Information System before, during and after a round of golf.

Visage is golf’s first communications platform that uses a combination of cellular, wireless and GPS technologies to help course operators increase revenues, better manage their golf car fleet, lower expenses and improve customer experience. 

The new website goes beyond static descriptions of features and benefits to demonstrate operators’ potential return on investment in five key areas: food and beverage, merchandising, tournaments, maintenance and green, golf car and member fees. 

A retooled electronic calculator provides industry averages in each of the five categories as well as allows operators to enter their own course information to view the potential financial impact of Visage on their operation. The website also includes video and customer testimonials.

“Visage represents advanced revenue-improvement technology, and the new website helps operators make an informed decision about its application at their facility,” said Randy Marquardt, vice president of Global Marketing for Club Car.