Advanced Sensor Technology, manufacuturers of the UgMO wireless underground monitoring technology for turf, introduced an UgMO product for residential applications.
Agrium Advanced Technologies today introduces two smaller sizes of its DURATION CR controlled-release fertilizer product line at the 2010 Golf Industry Show in San Diego. With smaller sizes available in four longevities, DURATION CR provides golf course superintendents with the right size products that they need to maintain dense, healthy turf and optimal golf course conditions.
Arysta exhibited a new combination of its Disarm fungicide – Disarm 480 SC, a liquid formulation for easy tank-mixing with other products. Arysta also released a technical bulletin for its new herbicide with the active ingredient amicarbazone. It’s expected to be released in 2011.
Bernhard and Co. introduced the 3000MC range. The 3000 line has simple electrical and mechanical systems that make it more affordable than its 4000 and 5000 grinders.
CIVITAS Fungicide announced a successful launch at last year’s show, resulting in signing eight exclusive distributors in the Northeast and Midwest. Moving forward in 2010 the company expects to get a label in Canada and expand into the transition zone market.
E-Z-GO introduced an aluminum bed on its MPT 1200 utility vehicle and an 48-volt version of its TXT golf car. Additionally, E-Z-GO was named by IndustryWeek magazine as one of 2009’s Best Plants of the Year.
Jacobsen introduced the Eclipse 322 riding greens mower. It’s available in three models: battery, gasoline hybrid and diesel hybrid.
LebanonTurf and John Deere Golf announced an agreement to expand distribution of Lebanon’s line of methylene urea products under the Country Club brand. The full Country Club line will be available on John Deere Golf’s Stores on Wheels, from John Deere Golf sales representatives and in John Deere Landscapes stores.
Parker Hannifin Corp. introduced the Parker Tracking System (PTS), tracking label codes designed to help ensure hydraulic-powered equipment uptime. The code identifies where and when the hose assemblies were made; what hose, fittings and accessories were used; and the length of the hose. PTS allows for “call ahead” or “site delivery” service, eliminating the need to remove old hoses, drive to the store and wait while the new assembly is made.
PBI/Gordon introduced Katana, a herbicide with the active ingredient flazasulfuron. The product is designed to remove cool-season grasses from warm season turf, including ryegrass, clumpy ryegrass, Poa annua, Poa trivialis and annual ryegrass.
Rain Bird launched its Integrated Control (IC) System for golf course irrigation. The IC Sysem is a control platform that links a coure’s central control directly with its rotors, eliminating the need for decoders or satellite controllers.
Syngenta named Scott Cole as marketing manager for the Golf market. Additionally, Syngenta promoted its Green Trust 365 program, a new take on an early-order program, which allows end-users to earn rebates year-round.
Valent discussed the culmination of its Tourney demo program, in which end-users completed 955 product trials. Additionally, Valent plans to add labels with take-all patch, waitea patch and necrotic ring spot.
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