Serious about the sun

Need more info on keeping your crew safe this summer? Gempler's has a variety of articles and videos for you to check out. They’re just a link away.


Get Serious About Sun and Heat Protection
Check out this primer on heat stress, skin cancer and sunscreen selection, along with 13 practical tips to help keep your workers safe in the sun this summer.

How To Choose the Proper Gloves for Pesticide Handling
Did you know there are 8 chemical-resistance work glove categories to choose from? Read this step-by-step guide to figure out which is right for you.

Understanding Mosquitoes and How To Control Them
Read this report on mosquito lifecycles and proven control methods. Both your employees and your members/players will be glad you did.

How To Protect Against Lyme Disease
Experts are forecasting a rise in ticks and tick-borne illnesses this summer. Use this guide to learn about the signs of Lyme Disease, how to identify and safely remove ticks, and how to minimize tick exposure.

How To Don and Fit Check a Disposable Respirator
Respirators can only work effectively if they fit correctly. Follow these great tips from a GEMPLER'S technical expert.


Safety Training Sheets
Helpful information on more than 70 topics to help you and your crews stay safe on the job. Also available in Spanish. Start downloading them now -- for free!