Sell the savings

The best way to position EOP savings to the boss is to communicate, simplify the savings and explain when they will be realized within the operation.

The best way to position your EOP savings to your boss is literally over communicate, simplify the savings and explain when they will be realized within the operation.

Many EOP programs have very flexible terms and delivery options yet it is unlikely that most general managers or directors of accounting and finance are familiar with preemergent herbicide active ingredients, timing for best results, watering requirements after application much less the complexities of split applications and why the delivery of the products were aligned with the actual agronomic schedule which may or may not be a match to the history-based budget since you are making a change in the upcoming year over the last fiscal year.

The point is to make it simple, unless your boss has an agronomic background or interest in which case involve them to the level they are comfortable (good rule of thumb). However, most bosses are grateful if you handle the leg-work and give them the basic facts. Here is a very basic example but you should get the idea.

We spend $10,000 per year in chemicals (based on historic data), through EOP we can upgrade several products year over year and save 5% or $500 so next year we will spend $9,500 in chemicals and will use the rebate for office supplies reducing that line item as well. In addition, with a program like GreenTrust 365, we can manage cash flow by deferring payments until July 6, 2018 and products will be delivered as needed as long as we secure our order by December 7, 2017.

This EOP process is based on the best available historical IPM and financial data but should an unbudgeted application be required for a pest outbreak an additional expense may be required, our projections have been accurate +/- 1% for the last five years. Savings have been applied into a special projects golf course maintenance capital account at the end of the fiscal year available in the upcoming year for special projects. 

Invite your boss to participate in any EOP meetings or evaluations but if he delegates the processes to you simply get an e-mail or official correspondence with a date/time stamped to that affect. Keep accurate records of all proposals, meetings and emails.

Create an EOP file for that year and move it into the historical data file when the fiscal year is over. Report the facts and do not over promise and be as accurate as you can be in the savings and actual spend areas and you will be a hero. Remember to double check with accounting and finance that they are aware of the EOP transaction and how it will influence inventories, budgets and payments moving forward. 

In addition, Early Order calculators, such as the GreenTrust 365 Rebate calculator can help further maximize program savings to assist in identifying volume discounts, configure package sizes for optimal savings, and identify additional rewards that can be used toward GCSAA benefits and much more.    

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