Notes from a tradeshow rookie

Assistant editor Kelsie Horner recaps her first Carolinas GCSA Conference and Trade Show experience.

Wachesaw Plantation Club
Wachesaw Plantation Club
Kelsie Hornner

As I played each hole, one after another, I took in every last detail. The sun was shining warm and bright, a fox squirrel scurried across the green, and in the distance, a baby alligator could be seen resting near a family of turtles. Welcome to Myrtle Beach.  

For my first Carolinas GCSA Conference and Trade Show week, I didn’t know what to expect. But what I encountered exceeded my expectations.  

Our trip began with the Carolinas GCSA Golf Championship, where our team played at Wachesaw Plantation Club. This was my first experience of playing golf anywhere other than Ohio and Michigan, so the numerous alligator sightings were enough to make up for my poor golf game.  

The course featured Bermudagrass, which offered a learning curve for my game. Beautiful landscapes were found throughout the course, and longtime superintendent Scott Fretz and his team did such a great job preparing the Tom Fazio layout.  

The people 

The trade show opened my eyes to the size of scope of the golf industry. For two days, superintendents, students, assistant superintendents, maintenance crews and more, gathered to learn and grow in their roles. The attendance at the show revealed how dedicated the people in this industry are. 

During the show, I was introduced to many people. And each person greeted me with a handshake, introduction, and a warm welcome to the industry. As a female in a room filled predominately with men, it could feel intimidating at times. But each person I met made me feel more and more welcome. We’re fortunate to cover people with such gracious attitudes.  

The students 

When I sat down for the student turf bowl competition, I was not anticipating the excitement I would experience when the event began. After a few questions answered on the Jeopardy-like board, I was locked in.  

Horry Georgetown Technical College won the event, with the room filled with their classmates and professors. Their support was awesome to see, and I am excited for the future of the turf industry, as I could sense the growing passion in each of them.  

Overall, my first GCSA trade show experience was a good one, and I can’t wait to meet more of our readers at future shows who make this industry so great. I left the show with a list of story ideas, questions and excitement for what lies ahead.  

Final takeaways: 

Favorite breakfast spot: Johnny D’s 

Favorite activity: mini golf at Red Dragon Cove 

Best way to relax: a walk on the beach 

Best place to eat: River City Cafe

Kelsie Horner is Golf Course Industry’s assistant editor.