Don’t play 20 Questions

Being ready for an interview isn’t a game – Bruce Williams gives Carolinas attendees the inside perspective.

As always, there is a buzz in the air about the many offerings at this year’s Carolinas GCSA Conference and Trade Show. On Monday people started arriving and some took advantage of a superb 82-degree day to get some golf in and see the sights of Myrtle Beach. Some of the many vendors started to move some of their large equipment into the Convention Center for the start of the show tomorrow. Before that all begins, there are 25 seminars on a variety of topics that should interest hundreds of participants.

One of those seminars is titled “Mastering the Interview.” In a very difficult job market, it is extremely important for one to hone the skills necessary to perform well at a job interview. There are so few positions with so many applicants that one needs be prepared for the one-hour interview that may set the course of your career for the rest of your life.

Bruce Williams is sharing 40 years of experience in how to prepare yourself for the next step in your career. GCSAA indicates that their superintendent members stay in their positions for an average of seven years. Taking that into consideration, it will only be a few times every seven years that someone interviews for that next great job. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Have you done your homework to know what it takes to win the search committee over?

Imagine going over the 20 most-often-asked interview questions and knowing what the club is really looking for in their next superintendent. Those in this class are getting an insider look on how to best answer the standard questions and also what to watch for in the zinger questions. Students are learning how to SELL themselves rather than telling the committee about themselves.

This class not only teaches the proper steps and process for one that is being interviewed but also covered how to best interview people for your staff to make sure you are building a superstar team around you. There’s nothing better than a refresher on a much-overlooked human resource need in how to hire and how to get hired.