Bernhard and Company increases commitment to industry education

Company will give GCSAA members opportunities to interact with international turf specialists.

Photo courtesy of Bernhard and Company

Photo courtesy of Bernhard and Company
For the first time in over 30 years, Bernhard and Company has decided not to display equipment at the Golf Industry Show in Orlando in 2020. Instead, it will concentrate on working closer with the GCSAA on various initiatives.
In addition to better promoting its range of new products to its distributors across the world through roadshows, seminars and product demonstrations, Bernhard and Company will work with GCSAA to develop an international educational program. Following the success of the UK-based BIGGA delegation, which Bernhard and Company sponsors and organizes, the company is introducing an initiative that will give GCSAA members a unique opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with British and international turf specialists.
 “We are delighted to discuss this opportunity with GCSAA as they have always been a valued partner of the company and our plan is to further strengthen this relationship in a way that provides value to its members,” Bernhard and Company director Steve Nixon said. “Our position in the North American market is stronger than ever, but this year we have decided to interact with our customers and turf professionals differently.
“As well as working closely with the GCSAA, we want to go and meet turf specialists to share knowledge and experience and demonstrate the fantastic new technology and innovations in our products. We believe we can provide them with a more personal experience; we are therefore investing more time and resources in the North American market than ever before.”
Bernhard and Company is already a strong supporter of education in North America, providing equipment to universities where turf equipment managers are trained. Strengthening Bernhard’s education program will serve to reinforce the company’s commitment to enhancing the personal development of turf equipment managers and superintendents.