Robert A. Milligan, Ph.D.

Pricecless (Human resources)

Employers need to think differently about compensation.

Increasing normal feedback (Human resources)

Now’s the time for you to increase the quantity and quality of informal feedback and coaching you give your crew members.

Hiring right requires planning (Human resources)

Become a preferred employer to attract quality help.

Are you a chief executive? (Human resources)

You have responsibilities in common with a c.e.o. of any large company.

Ensuring a fulfilling future (Human resources)

A three-step process helps superintendents develop a plan.

Assertive, not aggressive (Human resources)

An effective communicator is assertive and sensitive without being aggressive.

Thriving in the heat (Human resources)

A top-10 list for making it through July and August with your job enthusiasm and work force intact.

Motivational work environment (Human resources)

Motivating employees is a complex task.

Underperforming employees (Human resources)

It might seem cliché, but science supports the idea behind the old saying that one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel considering teams such as golf course maintenance staffs.