Larry Hirsh
Laurence A. Hirsh, CRE, MAI, SGA, FRICS is the president of Golf Property Analysts based in Philadelphia, and a frequent GCI contributor.
Recent Articles
The cost of golf: How much is too much?
As operating costs continue to surge, Larry Hirsh wonders how far clubs can push it with their pricing models.
Maintenance budgeting: Unsolved mysteries
A golf financial guru analyzes the big-picture dynamics and logistics of delivering the product customers expect.
Evaluating conservation easements
An effective tool exists for restricting future development of golf land. What is economically and legally feasible? And what are some potential pitfalls?
When capital improvements are needed
Larry Hirsh describes the correlation between the condition of an irrigation system and a golf course’s value.
Pull the trigger
Determine when and why to renovate and overcome any internal apprehension about engaging on a course improvement project.