John Ekstrom
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Dispatches from D.C. Pt. 3
While the 15-minute meetings that day with Congressional staff is not much in the grand scheme of Washington politics, John Ekstrom hopes it helps build bridges for golf.
Disptaches from D.C. Pt. 2
GCI's correspondent on Capitol Hill, John Ekstrom, is a member of GCSAA's government relations committee and was part of the association’s contingent that attended National Golf Day in Washington D.C. last week. including providing legislators with updates and information on the important role golf plays in their communities. In this dispatch, John talks about the issues.
Dispatches from D.C.
GCI's correspondent on Capitol Hill, John Ekstrom, is a member of GCSAA's government relations committee and was part of the association’s contingent that attended National Golf Day in Washington D.C. last week. including providing legislators with updates and information on the important role golf plays in their communities. This is the first of John's Beltway dispatches.
VIP – Measure success
Golf is a multi-billion dollar industry, and what happens on the maintenance crew is a direct derivative of how a club performs. GCI contributor John Ekstrom explains the VIP -- Visual Improvement Program.
Accept change...or fail (Assistant's view)
Look to adapt as the career field changes.
The call for protocol (Assistant's view)
To many clubs, polished business competence is just as important as maintaining an exceptional golf course.
Quality control management (Assistant's view)
Because golf is a business, the same strategies that promote best practices in other industries also should be effective in the golf course industry.
Becoming more involved (Assistant's view)
Spending my early mornings and late afternoons checking the course have been some of the most tranquil times of my life.