Jim Dunlap

Jim Dunlap

Teeing Off On A Tee-box Project

When doing the project in-house, follow the four critical stages of tee box renovation and construction.

Your biggest fan

Above-ground fans and sub-surface systems allow both superintendents and their greens' root systems to breathe easier during the dog days of summer. Plus, make purchasing fans a breeze.

Pay now, save later

Adding a fertigation system seems like an overreaching expense, but the benefits just may outweigh the sticker shock.

Making the cut

Mow money or eye candy? Superintendents weigh the merits and examine the debate between classic cut and striping.

Cause and effect

Assess and tackle common drainage problems through proper diagnosis and timely corrections.

Eyes in the sky

Unlike their military conscripted cousins, quadcopters provide superintendents with an eagle’s eye view of their courses to assist with turf management.

Feeding time for your turf

Implementing the proper fall fertilization program can produce huge benefits in the winter and spring.

Fire alarm

Stubborn fire ants are now found from coast to coast. Prevent them from spreading like wildfire on your course.