Doug Saunders
Recent Articles
Facility Management:Energizing Ideas
Renewable resources, such as wind, solar and biofuels, are being put into play by golf courses nationwide.
A balancing act (Operations management)
Owners wrestle with operational wants and needs.
Giving back (Industry goodwill)
Companies and individuals raise and donate money for charities unrelated to golf.
Builder excellence awards: A first-class facility (Design case study)
Attention to detail and addressing issues trump weather and tragedy to complete a high-end development project.
Maintenance to a tee (Course maintenance)
Superintendents stress the importance of well-maintained and designed tee boxes
The college connection (Course management)
Golf facilities foster relationships with local universities to enhance their reputations and grow the game of golf
In the early stages (Turfgrass management)
Superintendents refine the management of seashore paspalum
Mixing it up
Various precautions need to be taken when tank mixing different pesticides.
Irrigation improvements
Cost, more water-distribution control and better water conservation are at the root of irrigation system upgrades