Dennis Lyon

Dennis Lyon, CGCS, is a former president of GCSAA and has managed the city of Aurora, Colo., golf program for the past 37 years.

Bouncing Back

Golfer, grass grower or playing surface provider?

I’ve given serious thought to the question, should superintendents be golfers and play their own course?

The Ripple Effect

Answering the Eternal Question

Like soup or salad and paper or plastic, superintendents must wrestle with the flat-or-relief conundrum.

Sage Advice. Golf 2.0: Strategic plan or prayer?

The PGA of America is championing a new initiative to grow the game called Golf 2.0. The concept, which targets the new era in golf, (thus 2.0) aims to substantially boost the number of golfers and much needed revenue.

Sage Advice: The black swans have landed

This article has nothing to do with the movie "Black Swan." It does, however, have everything to do with the highly improbable and how the business of golf has changed.

A Collision of Cohorts

Sociologists have lumped today’s work force into four generations or “cohort groups.” The characteristics of each cohort group are largely determined by when they went through their formative years.

Polishing diamonds

A legendary club changes hands and new superintendent Jay Mullen gets his first top job.

Is the workplace a collison of cohorts?

Do you feel the best decisions are made by getting everyone together, gathering everyone’s input and then collectively making a decision? Or, as an employee, do you roll your eyes when you hearyour supervisor is setting up another one of his team meetings to get everybody’s input before he can make a decision. Welcome to “Baby Boomer meets Generation X.” Sociologists have lumped today’s workforce into four generations or cohort groups. GCI's Dennis Lyonn, CGCS, says the characteristics of each group are largely determined by when they went through their formative years.