David McPherson

Five years later

New turf leader, renovated course and huge spike in golf popularity. A lot has changed since Hamilton Golf & Country Club hosted Canadian golf’s signature annual event. Superintendent Jordan Kitchen shares what it takes to handle a role change.

No other options

Evaluating the costs of using reclaimed water vs. city H20. Which makes the most sense for your agronomic needs?

The Invasion

Timing, temperature are the keys to winning this war of attrition against Poa.

A Balancing Act

Chemicals or au naturel? Superintendents discuss the merits of both when controlling unwanted aquatic weeds.

A Game Changer

The turf industry faces off against the possible emergence of bacterial wilt, a bizarre, complex, indiscriminate killer.

Beyond the turf

Don’t want to go the way of the dinosaurs? Superintendents explain the diverse skill sets key to career longevity.

Managing Bentgrass Diseases

Various control methods can help keep your bentgrass looking its best.

Bugg'n Out

Sure-fire ways to stomp out nematodes, mole crickets and other subsurface critters attacking your course’s turf.

Seed Savings

Planting the right seed can result in significant cost reductions for your course


When done well, striping is aesthetically pleasing from any vantage point.