Carmen Magro
Carmen Magro, CGCS, MBA, is chief agronomist/proprietor of Agronomy Management Solutions and a frequent GCI contributor.
Recent Articles
Turf exorcism
The power of cultural practices compels you! A sound management program is the best strategy to cast out the demon possessing your Poa greens – anthracnose.
Drop by drop
Water quality is one of the most misunderstood parts of any golf course management program. Agronomist Carmen Magro keeps you from getting lost in the numbers and outlines the simple science behind water quality reports.
Not too dry, not too wet
As we enter the dog days of summer, manage soil moisture to ensure cooler, healthier turf.
All Dried Up?
A milder and drier-than-normal winter is forcing superintendents to evaluate their soil moisture levels to make sure they’re where they need to be heading into the growing season.