Brent Downs
Recent Articles
Variable direct(or)ions
Brent Downs, CGCS, MG, defines and analyzes what it takes to succeed in a big-picture management role. Plus, Cory Troyer and Mitchell Eickhoff share why the director-superintendent dynamic is different than other turf relationships.
Meet me in the middle
With a little understanding and constructive dialogue, that tough customer can be transformed into your department’s biggest advocate.
Remember your why
What do you learn after 20 years in the business? Brent Downs describes why every haymaker the industry throws your way is worth enduring.
Middle-age mentors
Brent Downs revisits lessons absorbed from two major influences in his career and describes how to make relationships with those you respect mutually beneficial.
The kids may be all right … after all
The Class of 2020 at one Indiana golf course led to a superintendent rethinking how to handle younger generations in the workplace.