Globetrotting consulting agronomist Terry Buchen visits many golf courses annually with his digital camera in hand. He shares helpful ideas relating to maintenance equipment from the golf course superintendents he visits — as well as a few ideas of his own — with timely photos and captions that explore the changing world of golf course management.

Restoration Pulverizer

During this summer’s Tom Weiskopf/Phil Smith restoration of the Troon Country Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, project manager Tom Bush of Heritage Links worked with golf course superintendent Seth Miller on pulverizing the extensive root mass of the chemically killed existing 35-year-old turf in preparation for re-grassing with new Tifway 419. Conventional PTO-driven rototillers were initially used, but the productivity was too slow. Bush brought in a 9-foot-wide Cat RM-350B asphalt road pulverizer and production greatly increased to three to four acres per day, completed in 10 days at an 8-inch depth, with the smaller rototillers finishing the greens surrounds at a 4-inch depth. Mellowing out mounds, reshaping/eliminating bunkers, opening up views and establishing new forward tees were all accomplished with a shaper and bulldozer. The course was grown in on the perfectly pulverized sand-cap soil prior to re-grassing and then reopened to rave reviews.

Overhead Flagstick Holder

Crawford Model #H13010 Adjustable Overhead Storage Hanger (Northern Tools, two at $15.99/each) used for hanging spare and special event flagsticks at the Olde Florida Golf Club in Naples, Florida, conceived by Darren J. Davis, CGCS, and his team. Each bracket has a 50-pound capacity; the height adjusts from 12.75 inches to 21 inches; the 12-inch arms adjust in any beam direction; they have an easy length adjustment; mounting hardware is included; and there is a foam-type sleeve to protect the flagsticks from getting scratched. Twelve-inch wide shelving can also be used. Davis was the 82nd president of the GCSAA.

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