Globetrotting consulting agronomist Terry Buchen visits many golf courses annually with his digital camera in hand. He shares helpful ideas relating to maintenance equipment from the golf course superintendents he visits — as well as a few ideas of his own — with timely photos and captions that explore the changing world of golf course management.

Airflow Fertilizer Spreader

This Vortex TR is mounted in the bed of a John Deere Gator. It has a 250-pound granular fertilizer polyethylene hopper that cannot become wet inside, with a 10-foot hose with an on/off switch located near the end of the nozzle. The Echo PB-770T backpack blower blows the granular fertilizer pellets precisely onto bunker faces, tree and shrub basins, and landscape beds. The blower can be dismounted to blow any granular fertilizers off cart paths, parking lots, etc. The unit costs up to $4,000 depending on the model and it takes less than 10 minutes to install. Richard Garcia, superintendent at The Creek Course at Fiddler’s Creek in Naples, Fla., showed me this unique fertilizer spreader.

Staff Motivation

The PGA Tour’s TPC Network of resort, daily-fee and private clubs numbers 32 facilities in North America, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. The golf course management and maintenance is thorough, and the in-house recruiting, training and retention of their staff is successful, to say the least. Motivational quotes, in both Spanish and English, are prominently displayed in the employee lunch/meeting room, mechanic’s shop area and equipment storage area. Gregory Murray Jack, golf course superintendent at TPC Treviso Bay in Naples, Fla. has a very motivated staff. Todd Draffen was the original superintendent when the phrases were placed on the walls.

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