Relentless mission

“To provide an independent, innovative and inclusive voice for today’s – and tomorrow’s – golf industry professionals.”

That’s our mission statement. We drafted and crafted the above words as a TEAM during our annual planning meeting. We sought input from everybody on our TEAM to find the ideal words describing you and us.

Words are what we do. We publish thousands of them each month, on these pages, on our social media feeds, on our expanding podcast networking, on our growing website. Innovation requires adaptation. We’ve proved since transforming from Golf Course News to Golf Course Industry in 2007 – Has it really been 14 years? – that we’re willing to adapt to changes in publishing and content consumption. We didn’t have social media feeds with thousands of engaged followers or a podcast network in our infancy. Today we reach more golf maintenance professionals on social media and produce more podcasts than anybody else covering this wonderful industry. Our enewsletters are creative and timely. Our digital content can easily be found using search engines. Had we not fully embraced digital and social media, you might not be holding or downloading this magazine.

We are thriving thanks to an audience and partners who also concoct ways to advance through recessions and recoveries. Think of how successful organizations are operating and executing today compared to 2007. The pace of change is multiplying faster than at any point in our lives. You must innovate to stay relevant. You can adapt or relent. We choose to adapt.

We exist without the backing of an association or outside investment. Politics or editorial tradition play no role in what you see on our pages and feeds. We operate independently from boards, advisory panels and allied acronyms. We encourage candor from our editors, columnists and writers, realizing respect doesn’t always require agreement. For an industry to reach its full potential, it needs a high-quality independent voice. We provide that voice to current and aspiring golf maintenance professionals. Independence and a lean, decisive management structure allow us to quickly change to best serve readers, followers and listeners.

There are no significant barriers to Golf Course Industry participation. Nearly everything we produce is free. We don’t sell memberships. You don’t need to host a men’s major championship, hold an elected position or win an award to be profiled by us. Have a story to tell? We’re all ears and eyes, all the time. Our December Turfheads Take Over issue consists of articles submitted by our readers and followers. If a December deadline doesn’t fit your calendar, send us an article whenever you want. We’ll find a spot for it.

Superintendents are a huge part of the golf business. We love and respect everybody holding the title. But they aren’t the only part of this industry. We want assistant superintendents, technicians, equipment operators, sales professionals, students, retirees, horticulturists, arborists, researchers, general managers, golf professionals, architects, builders, consultants, committee members, golfers and anybody else who wants to learn about the people and practices that make golf courses the best landscapes on Earth to feel included in our mission.

It takes a TEAM to make golf courses special. Those teams are becoming more diverse, but there’s still work to do. It’s up to everybody in this industry to make anybody with an interest in golf, turf, plants, working outdoors, equipment, science, management, business or nature to feel welcome by this giant TEAM. Recruiting and retaining enthusiastic and open-minded people will shape the future of this industry more than any agronomic advancement.

We’re confident golf course maintenance will be different in 2037 than it was in 2007. Different brings great stories to tell. We’re ready to share them in different ways.

The Golf Course Industry Team

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