Reader Research

To quantify current career conditions for superintendents,Golf Course News commissioned an independent online survey of 4,000 readers in December 2003. The survey generated a 13.7 percent response. Three out of four superintendents say their jobs have become more difficult because of a combination of slumping course revenue, budget pressure and ever-increasing golfer expectations. Following are key questions and responses from the survey:

1. Compared to three to five years ago, has your job become more challenging or less challenging?

More challenging 73%

Less challenging 2%

No response ..............................25%

Reasons why the job has become more challenging (specific responses):

• Increasing golfer expectations 20%

• Tighter budgets .....................19%

• Rounds down/greatercompetition for revenue 16%

• Slump in the overall economy 11%

• Job title/increasing responsibilities 10%

• Course maintenance problems 6%

• Labor shortages/issues 5%

• More regulation/environmental issues 4%

• Other 9%

Reasons why the job has become less challenging (specific single responses):

• New course ownership

• Dealing with employees better

• Better tools and equipment

• Learning more

• More money in the budget

• New technology

2. How secure do feel your present position is?

Very secure 41%

Not secure 40%

Somewhat secure 11%

Not sure 7%

No answer 1%

3. As a superintendent have you ever been terminated or quit for budgetary, technical performance or personality/political reasons?

No 63%

Yes 37%

Main reasons for "yes" responses:

Personality/political 23%

Budget 7%

Technical performance 2%

Other* 11%

*Course bankruptcies, taking new jobs, promotions, etc.

4. Has a close friend who was a superintendent ever been terminated or left a position for technical performance, budgetary, personality/political reasons, or to take a job outside of golf?

No 4%

Yes 96%

Main reasons for "yes" responses (Note: multiple responses allow total to exceed 100%):

Personality/political 83%

Technical performance 70%

Take job outside golf 52%

Budget 43%

5. Did your formal training to be a superintendent prepare you adequately in terms of people skills?

Yes 51%

No 46%

No response 3%

6. How long have you been working in your current job as a superintendent or assistant superintendent?

Average: 8 years

7. How many years have you been working in the golf industry?

Average: 19.5 years

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