Letters to the editor

Readers with comments are welcome to e-mail John Walsh at jwalsh@gie.net or fax to 216-961-0364.

Topdressing guidelines
I enjoyed reading Kevin Ross’ article about topdressing (“An age-old practice,” July, page 52). Earthworm castings are out of control here at the Denver Country Club, and I’m interested in topdressing our fairways on an annual basis, most likely mid-November. I’m sure we could benefit in other ways as well. Could you give me a recommendation for the cubic feet of material per 1,000 square feet for this type of application? Thanks for your help.
Doug Fisher
Golf course superintendent
Denver Country Club

Ross’ response follows:
Earthworms are one tough problem. The best thing for the soil is aeration and creating great drainage channels. However, as we both know, the castings don’t mix with golfing playability. You’ll find topdressing will help, but it isn’t a cure-all and takes time. The amount we do at Country Club of the Rockies is a total of 70 cubic yards per acre (42 cubic feet per thousand), which equals about one-half inch of sand per year. We make two applications per year, spring and fall, to reach that total. Hope this helps.
Kevin J. Ross, CGCS

Hello teacher
I thought Jim McLoughlin might like to hear from an old friend and student. Remember Manhattanville College, Jim? I never made it to a general manager position but managed fairly successfully as a golf course superintendent for 33 years. I retired from Woodmere (N.Y.) Club in 2004 and somehow have found myself teaching golf course management in South Carolina. I absolutely love it. It’s great to be able to share a lifetime of events with students that hope to become superintendents.

On another note, I love McLoughlin’s articles – he hasn’t lost his ability to tell it like it is.

Additionally, I use the magazine to teach from on a regular basis. It’s by far the best publication in our industry.
Richard McGuinnes
Associate professor
Golf course management
Technical College
Conway, S.C.

Ramps needed
I’m inquiring about information needed to purchase one or more of the portable ramps for bunker rakes that was discussed in Terry Buchen’s Travels with Terry column (“Ramp it up,” September, page 60). We have newly renovated greens and complexes, which include new bunkers and fresh edges around the bunkers.
Christopher Conlon
Manager/head golf professional
Wekiva Golf Club
Longwood, Fla.

Buchen’s response follows:
The portable ramps were custom made for Ted Fist at Wynstone Golf Club in Barrington, Ill. He can be called at 847-304-2840 (office) or e-mailed at tfist@msn.com. He can provide the contact name of the local company north of Chicago that made them for him and provide any other detail information that you will need. I hope this is helpful. Take care, best wishes and continued success in everything you do.
Terry Buchen, CGCS, MG

On target
Jim McLoughlin’s column about not-for-profits (“Golf’s n-f-p format,” September, page 20) was right on the mark. It’s a matter of reality that today’s golf associations have to be run like a business. Every golf association should be paying attention to his comments.
Dick Haskell
Retired executive director
Massachusetts Golf Association
Norton, Mass.

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