Dakota rolls out 412 Turf Tender

Dakota Peat & Equipment has added the 412 Turf Tender to its topdresser product line. The 412 features a two-yard hopper and is designed to spread any type of material needed for turf maintenance or construction. Like the 410 Dakota Turf Tender, the 412 features an electrically controlled hydraulic system that allows the operator to control spinner speed and belt speed from the tractor seat for on-the-go spread pattern adjustments. For more information, contact 800-477-8415 or www.dakotapeat.com.

Columbia Seeds ready with two new varieties

Columbia Seeds is ready with Tahoe tall fescue and Precious perennial ryegrass, both of which will be available this fall. Tahoe is a new tall fescue, which was developed by Radix Research for improved summer activity and adaptation to the transitional zone and northern climates. It has shown good disease resistance, particularly to brown patch and aggressive tillering.

Precious perennial ryegrass was also developed by Radix Research for improved density, texture and summer performance. Precious is scheduled for the 2004 perennial ryegrass NTEP trials.

For more information, contact: 881-681-7333 or www.columbiaseeds.com.

TMI’s new TransContinental

Turf Merchants Inc. is ready with a new seeded bermudagrass called TransContinental. The variety ranked in the top three best performing seeded bermudagrasses in the recent National Turfgrass Evaluation Program trials. TransContinental is top rated in color, quality, spring green-up, leaf texture, winter hardiness and webworm resistance. For more information, contact 800-421-1735.

Jacklin unveils Nu Destiny

Jacklin Seed is ready with Nu Destiny, a Kentucky bluegrass that was best rated in the Midwest and ranked fourth in overall quality among all National Turfgrass Evaluation Program locations (J-2695 in 2000 NTEP). The variety offers fast germination, tolerates all cutting heights and has dark green color. For more information, contact www.jacklinseed.com.
July 2003
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