Getting started

Have you ever been infected by excitement? It’s a weird bug to have, but it can get around. I’m just hanging about, writing what I write, when our publisher, Pat Jones, gets me started on turf.

Have you ever been infected by excitement? It’s a weird bug to have, but it can get around. I’m just hanging about, writing what I write, when our publisher, Pat Jones, gets me started on turf.

I can honestly say that  up to this point in my life, anyway I’ve never been excited to be writing about golf. I haven’t even played the game. Sure, I’ve seen my fair share of games and have friends and family who play, but that’s about as close to a course as I’ve gotten.

But then, as I’m reading more from you supers through our new and improved Blogroll, and connecting with through our Facebook and Twitter pages, I can’t believe it. I’m actually looking forward to finding out more about grass types, water usage and beneficial species. I’m hooked.

So what better time to start than with mere minutes before GIS 2011, ready to hit a huge show featuring the biggest players in the game?

If I ran into you during the craziness of the week, believe me, it was my pleasure to meet you and pick up some new and cool information. I’m really looking forward to covering the biggest and best ideas in the industry right here in our pages. If I didn’t meet you during the week, I’m sure you at least saw me. I was the guy in the GCI shirt looking completely amazed at each new gadget I saw. Especially if I didn’t run into you then, we should certainly talk. Send me an e-mail or give me a call and I will be glad to chat. Just as long as we don’t actually play golf until I at least learn how to swing a club.

Speaking of clubs, there’s some great advice for course growth in this month’s issue, like in “Sustainability 2.0.” I know at first glance it doesn’t sound like the best idea during the financial climate of the industry, but rethinking things a little bit now with an eye toward being environmentally responsible might make the difference if times get tougher. Being green now could mean staying green then, which will help bring in more players and members later.

Pair that with plan guidelines from “Project Approved” and you’ll not only start building your course on a sustainable foundation, you’ll do it in a way that will keep your directors and members happy, and your budget manageable.

I’m really excited about our cover story, though. Aaron Cape of Hyland Golf Club and I have something in common  we’re both new to the job. While Cape still has a lot more experience than I do, he was tough enough to use a grass that traditionally would be unheard-of in the region. Thanks to some hard work and some knowledge about the grass, he kept a turf that was able to shrug off much of last year’s intense summer heat.

When I’m not working up stories about course-dwelling badgers, I find my home online much of the time. As I mentioned before, we’re always active with our website, enewsletter, Facebook and Twitter pages, but if you check in at our Blog Central, you’ll find a few new things. First, we’re kicking off a guided tour of superintendents’ blogs from around the world through the eyes of our wandering web correspondent, Jim Black. He’s looking for the best (and some of the most ridiculous) information out there to bring back to our website in his guest columns.

Second, we’ve updated our Blogroll with a map! It doesn’t seem like a huge deal until you try it out. Find your section of the country (or your particular country, if you’re outside the states) and click away. You’ll find yourself instantly provided with several local superintendents’ blogs local to you, with thoughts and posts about club concerns that come a little closer to home. If you don’t see your blog listed, let us know! Every superintendent has something to bring to the online community.

So get connected with us there, and send me a note, if you like. I’m still learning about the industry, but I’m definitely eager to get there. Just wait until next year’s GIS before asking me how excited I am about my game. GCI


February 2011
Explore the February 2011 Issue

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