
  Pat Jones
Editorial Director
and Publisher

Once again I glance up at calendar and realize Thanksgiving is careening towards me like Ozzy Osbourne’s crazy train.

It suddenly reminds me we have to figure out which kids will be home from college and how much turkey we’ll need to feed them. It’s also a wake-up call that it’s “that time of year” to get our sponsors and advertisers finalized for 2015. And it provides a gnawing reminder that I need new tires on my aging Jeep before another brutal Cleveland winter rolls around.

Crap…lots to do before Thanksgiving! Gotta get busy!

But, then that little voice in the back of my head interrupts me with a whisper: Don’t get too busy to stop and truly live the spirit of the holiday by giving thanks.


Basically, the idea of a holiday to remind us to be grateful is beginning to seem dumb to me. As I get older, I’ve come to realize we should wake up every morning and start counting our blessings and not stop until head meets pillow. Yes, we all have problems and challenges…but we’re also all on the green side of the grass and, I hope, have much else to celebrate.

Allow me to share some of what I’m grateful for as we approach the official day of thanks…

Being Outdoors. I am nearly always happier when I’m outside and I suspect most of you are too. After 15 years in often-dreary Ohio, sunshine is my favorite thing. I always try to remind myself to look around and soak in the moment, particularly when I’m out on a course or anyplace natural. Just stop, breathe it in and be grateful for Mother Nature.

Family. When Kim and I got married last January, we created this wonderful modified “Brady Bunch” family. I gained two daughters plus a boatload of amazing in-laws, cousins and other kin. It’s been awesome to get to know an entirely new family at my stage in life. But what’s really awesome are those very rare moments when we have all four of our grown kids in one room. They couldn’t care less about it but it’s very meaningful to me. I am always deeply grateful when that happens…once in a blue moon.

Sobriety. On November 30, I’ll have five incredible years without alcohol under my belt. A few drinks are fine for 90 percent of the population, but I was addicted and it poisoned my life. I’m immeasurably grateful for the help and support I got when I quit…and 1,807 days later I’m still finding contentment one day at a time.

Our team. See how good this magazine is? Like the website? Think our social media feeds are cool? Thank my team. I’m the least important person in this operation. I kid you not. I just point us in the (hopefully) right direction and they do the rest…magnificently. I am ever so grateful to be surrounded by talented, fun, passionate people.

You guys. Thank you for the love. I mean it. Kind words and support from readers and friends have made me eternally grateful to be part of this wonderful, nutty community.

My Jeep! This sounds crazy, but the most important non-human in my life is my 2009 Jeep Grand Cherokee. We just celebrated 100,000 miles together and it has been uber-reliable. It’s like that Jeep knows I need some bedrock in my life. It even still looks pretty damned good except for a rusty little dent on the front left bumper that I have left unrepaired as a daily reminder not to text and drive. I’m very grateful that Jeep has been with me through thick and thin.

Health. Despite 30 years of slow attempted suicide via vodka and Marlboros (which I also quit two years ago), I’m shockingly healthy. More importantly, so are the people I love. Super grateful all of us are thriving!

Walking NINE holes. Power-walking a quick nine is the best combination of exercise and meditation ever. I’m really grateful for that time by myself to clear my head, enjoy the beauty around me and, occasionally, just making that one good shot that gives me hope that someday I will not suck as badly.

Mrs. JONES. She hates it when I write about her but I can’t help it. She’s my golden girl and I’m eternally grateful fate brought us together for this remarkable second chance at happiness.

Okay, I showed you mine. Now it’s time to share your gratitude with your loved ones, friends and colleagues. If you’re so inclined, send me a note about what you’re grateful for this year. Or, if you’re a Twitterific kind of person, send us 140 characters of happiness with #gratitude. Mostly, tell your loved ones what you’re grateful for. After all, it’s not about giving thanks…it’s about living gratitude.

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