

In September’s “Precision and strategy” the images from another of Frontier Golf’s 2011 Builder Awards submissions were erroneously used. GCI regrets this error.

The following are images from Frontier Golf’s Legacy Award winning project at Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, Va.


More Turf Wives

My name is Beth McDonald and I wanted to invite you to visit my Facebook page and blog, Turf Wives, which originated prior to Wives of Turf.

Turfwives Facebook page can be located by following this link (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Turf-Wives/157816847625604) and Turfwives blog can be located through this link: (http://turfwives.blogspot.com/2011/08/girls-nights.html).

In my first blog I discussed what lead to my idea and creation of Turf Wives – to give wives in the turf industry a safe place to share stories, support, advice and love with all the fellow turf wives – and girlfriends and fianceés of course. My page and blog are for all the ladies whose spouses, partners and even boyfriends work in the turf industry: consultants, R&D, developers, pro's, superintendents, assistants, sales reps, etc.

My husband, Steven McDonald, is an independent turfgrass consultant who also has a strong focus on research as well as education. Since I've had the pleasure of meeting such a great deal of his clients, friends and supporters over the past 10 years, I've also had the great honor of meeting most of their wives which brought me to the realization that we're all faced with many of the similar circumstances. My relationship with my husband is very strong and my hope is to encourage my followers to do a few small things during the difficult and challenging times to have similar success as my husband and I have.

Beth McDonald
Spring City, Pa.

To read “Desperate Turfwives” enter http://tinyurl.com/3bqg6zb into your Web browser.

We'd like to hear from you. E-mail us at gci@gie.net with your thoughts and opinions.

October 2011
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