
Past presidents

Mr. Monroe Miller,

Like you, I have had the honor to have known and worked with many of the GCSAA presidents over the years (“Presidents I Have Known,” March 2012). Having served two years on the GCSAA BOD myself I know the time and dedication it takes to serve as GCSAA president and have a great deal of respect for all who have answered the call to serve.

Having the great privilege of being a chapter member of GCSANC, I also have had the honor to know and work with Cliff and Myrtle Wagoner for over 30 years. I was pleased that, as a GCSAA board member, I was able to help make sure Cliff got some recognition when he attended his 50th GCSAA Conference several years ago. I thank you for calling for some recognition of the great effort Cliff and Myrtle have made to be at every GIS even though he has been retired for 25 years or more.

I shared your words from your column with Cliff and he was, as always, greatly honored that he and Myrtle were mentioned in your story. Cliff is very humble and certainly appreciates all the great support he and Myrtle have received from his GCSAA family over the years... especially over the past few years which have been a bit more challenging for them. Thanks for the great story and keep up the good work.

Gary K. Carls, CGCS
Past-President GCSANC 2000
Past-President CGCSA 2002
Golf Operations Supervisor Department of Public Works/Golf Division
City of Sunnyvale, Calif.


Forced fed

Great article (“You Can Fix Stupid,” April 2012)… too bad it was on the last page vs. the lead article... Plus, your last paragraph is so on point. Force me to eat your food by charging a minimum. If it were that good, the club would be on my eating rotation.

Mitchell L. Stump, CPA Palm
Beach Gardens, Fla.


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