I really enjoyed the December article in the Golf Course Industry Magazine entitled “Comb Over.” The information and opinions of Mr. Vavrek, Mr. Giorgio, and Mr. Triabaugh were very helpful. There is not a lot of information out there in regards to brushing turf and since I just purchased new Toro Flex walking greensmowers with power brushes I found it helpful. Working in the Chicago market, we are always looking for new and different techniques and lately I have noticed a movement toward using several different brushing methods so I’m excited to try the power brushes for grooming. I’m excited because I hear of a lot of positive results in other areas of the country with regard to these brushes. From my understanding, after you dial the brushes and heights in and overcome the initial impact of damage, the greens dramatically improve. I will keep you updated on my findings in case you happen to write a follow-up article in the future. Thanks again for your contribution to GCI.
Scott White
The Mauh-Nah-Tee-See Country Club
Rockford, Ill.
I recently read the article “Comb Over” by Rob Thomas about brushing and was very disappointed that he was only able to cover the walk-behind mower portion of this technique... This has been a staple in the ultra dwarf Bermuda diet for years.
Kevin Stinnett with Jacobsen was quoted in the article; he lives and works in the Southeast and was the best source to ask for other sources in this region. Sorry to be so direct, but this sort of article is just so narrow minded when this technique is so widely used throughout the U.S. and abroad, and yet the coverage is based on two superintendents and just walk mowing.
We have been brushing with Triplexes for 12 years and manufacture the brush for all models. Try the website It tells all about triplex brushing. Thank you for listening to my position on this issue but it is another example of try different sources and get more people involved.
Jeffrey S. Connell
Fort Jackson Golf Course
Fort Jackson, S.C.
The right stuff
Just read Tim Moraghan’s November column “Are You as Healthy as Your Golf Course.” Just a great article and I believe a great service to the industry. This is the type of stuff we need.
Fred H. Yelverton, PhD
Professor and Extension Specialist Co-Director,
Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education
North Carolina State University
Editorial snafu
I feel sure you are probably already aware of this because I feel you are somewhat of a perfectionist, as am I, but I have been seeing some typos in GCI the past several months, something that is out of character for the reputation of the publication. Case in point, the duplication of two complete paragraphs in the “Fuzzy forecast” column in the November issue. Perhaps in the digital age with all the spell and grammar check programs, the art of proof reading may be declining, just as I feel overuse of email is eroding our skills in personal one-on-one communication and human interaction. I bring this to your attention because I feel your magazine is one of the leading publications in the green industry that provides timely and relevant information, often with witty and humorous editorial to keep it fresh and interesting.
Keep up the good work and best of luck in the future.
Michael K. Fabrizio, CGCS
Director of grounds and golf maintenance
Daniel Island Club
Charleston, S.C.
The editors respond: Ouch. We hoped you hadn’t seen those mistakes. Even the best goalies have an occasional bad game and let a few pucks skip through every now and then. We appreciate you keeping us on our toes, and we continue to strive for editorial perfektion… err… perfection.
True believer
I wanted to thank Pat for “You Gotta Believe” (Parting Shots, page 58) in the February issue. Pat summed up our lives about as well as one can! When you love what you do you can live with all of those challenges he mentions. Great job. I always look forward to reading GCI every month and keeping up with you guys on Twitter and your (iPhone/iPad) app. Thank you for all you do.
Randy Samoff
Redstone Golf Club
Humble, Texas

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