Social in San Antonio

In the four years we’ve been doing our Super Social Media Awards, we’ve never had harder choices to make. So much has changed in the past 1000+ days with the number of supers engaged and the quality of what’s being done.

  Pat Jones
Editorial Director
and Publisher

In the four years we’ve been doing our Super Social Media Awards, we’ve never had harder choices to make. So much has changed in the past 1000+ days with the number of supers engaged and the quality of what’s being done.

We’ll honor our winners at the 2015 TweetUp, which we do in partnership with Aquatrols. Everyone is welcome, so join us at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 25 at Aquatrols booth #9063 to enjoy actual face-to-face contact with your virtual friends.

Just a couple of notes. First, nominations — dozens of them — came in from you guys as well as partners and previous winners. Many of the very deserving winners from past years were nominated again this year. Our policy is to try to select as many new winners as possible each year to highlight even more great examples that you can follow as you begin or refine your efforts. Previous winners like Darren Davis, Jason Haines and others are still the gold standard, but we wanted to expand the horizons of the program to include other leaders, as well.

We took those nominations and compared notes. We then narrowed that down and chose our recipients. Eventually, I made the final call. There were MANY deserving nominees who didn’t quite fit this year. Keep trying, please!

March will feature an article detailing this year’s winners and what you can learn from them. See you at TweetUp.


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