
Letters to the editor from readers like you.

Reaction to “Catharsis”

Editor’s Note: The response to Pat Jones’ column on his experiences as an alcoholic (“Catharsis” August 2010) was overwhelming. We’ve excerpted just a few of the more than 100 e-mails and Facebook postings we received. We decided not to identify the letter writers since many included personal comments. Readers seeking additional information about alcoholism and addiction can find out more at the Alcoholics Anonymous site: www.aa.org.

“Your article entitled “Catharsis” was absolutely fantastic. There is so much more to life than turf and I appreciate an article on a subject that touches so many of our lives.”

“Nice article in your August issue... I did not know you had a drinking problem, but I’m glad to hear you are recovering! Life is good.”

“I can relate to your article because I have the same disease. I started drinking at a very early age and it took me a long time to realize that alcohol affects everybody differently. I have not had a drink in over 19 years and I guarantee you I never will again. I sincerely hope you stay committed to your sobriety and after reading your article it sounds like you’re well on your way. As you mentioned, we are the fortunate ones that, by the grace of God, have been able to get help. I feel for those who are not as fortunate. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you to write this article and have all of your readers know about your personal life, but if it helps one person – and I think it will – I commend you for being honest to yourself and everyone else.”

“...You are to be commended for facing your addiction and triumphing over it. The demon is not rum or drugs or nicotine. The demon is within us. It is bigger and stronger in some of us, but it’s in there nevertheless. Your public admission of the problem is also a big step in recovering and will undoubtedly help many who read it to face their similar problems.”

“...Most trade magazines gloss on about their industry or are too serious about themselves and miss their readers intellect and the fact that all individuals are more than just the industry we happen to serve in. And we all have very important personal journeys outside of our work lives.”

“Pat, you may have saved a job, a marriage or even a life with the words you penned in Teeing Off...”

Messages posted to Facebook

“Your best column about the best thing you’ve ever done. Well done, Mr. Jones.”

“An excellent and brave article… Congratulations on making it over that hurdle and thanks for sharing such a personal part of you with us.”

“...Your idea to run this in GCI will hit home with more folks that even you and I realize...”

“Keep breaking the mold Pat. Well done.”

“Wonderful article. Thanks for sharing your story. It is sure to resonate with others. I’m going to re-post it. Congratulations on taking control of your life!”

“So moved. I read it a couple of times and continue to reflect on your courage and the depth of your commitment to helping others.”

“...Without a doubt the best and most important piece you have ever written. Beautiful and scalding in the same moment.”

September 2010
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