COVER STORY: Smaller carbon footprint

While a course’s pump station and clubhouse are responsible for the bulk of its energy use, overhauling those facilities would often require a significant, and impractical, capital investments. However, experts suggest some more attainable carbon-reducing measures a golf course can pursue.

Lighting. By far the easiest issue to address. Convert to energy-saving cfl bulbs and fixtures. Install motion-activated switches in restrooms or infrequently occupied places. Reassess the facility’s lighting philosophy, especially at the clubhouse.

Materials. Make smarter purchasing practices to reduce the number of deliveries throughout the  year, or buy from distributors located closer to the facility.

Fuel. Outside of converting to alternative-fuel equipment, reconsider usage and mowing patterns to reduce the amount of run time.

Water. Maximize your pump station’s efficiency so that it uses the least amount of kilowatt hours. Make sure irrigation heads operate to their maximum efficiency.

March 2010
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