Aquaritin Foliar™

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Aquaritin Foliar™ is proven to deliver exceptional Plant Health through the action of Micronized Silicon and 12 Essential Nutrients adsorbed on Nano Silica.

When applied to golf and sports turf, it promotes cell wall strength, plant rigidity, root development, water efficiency and a natural color response.

Aquaritin Foliar ™ is an advanced Nano Scale foliar spray which combines a balanced mix of 13 plant nutrients in a single formulation. It contains primary nutrients (P, K); Secondary nutrients (Ca, Mg, S ); Micro nutrients ( Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo); and, in addition, Silica and Cobalt. The particle size is between 1 and 30 nm and each nutrient is adsorbed on to nano-silica molecule preventing them from bonding with each other, with water, or the atmosphere. Aquaritin Foliar ™ tank mixes easily with other Fertilizers, Fungicides and PGRs and is absorbed by the plant through the leaves within a few minutes of application.


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