A perfect match

Sensing an opportunity to grow, Profile Products buys DryJect, and the two companies combine their soil aeration products and services.

Profile Products and DryJect offer soil aeration services that seem to compliment each other, which is why the heads of those companies thought it would make sense to combine their services.


“Putting the two leading technologies together is a win-win situation,” says Chris des Garennes, former owner of DryJect. Profile Products bought the company from des Garennes and co-owner Peter Van Drumpt earlier this month for a price that wasn’t disclosed.


DryJect provides an approach to soil aeration and soil amendment for golf course greens, tees and fairways. Instead of pulling cores, the system uses water to fracture the soil while simultaneously injecting large volumes of dry material into the soil. The machines are sold to franchisees only. They are distributed by Advanced Agro Technologies, which is based in Ocean, N.J.


Profile Products, based in Buffalo Grove, Ill., manufactures porous ceramic soil amendments designed to improve and condition soil permanently.


The two heads of DryJect wanted to take their business to the next level, and this was an opportunity to do that. The partnership makes sense because the products can be used together, des Garennes says, adding DryJect’s connection with Profile gives franchisees new marketing opportunities.


“By partnering up with Profile it gives us more exposure, and more opportunity for franchisees to develop relationships with superintendents out there,” he says.


While opportunities will be extended to DryJect franchisees, they will continue to have the choice of whether or not they want to use Profile products.


Profile dealers now will have the added option of offering the DryJect system to clients.


The pairing of the companies and their products also could have an effect on golf course superintendents. The new arrangement will give them the option of a more streamlined means of aeration, des Garennes says.


"Profile Products is tremendously excited about the union of these highly complimentary companies," adds John Schoch, president of Profile Products. "As a result of this acquisition, superintendents and turf professionals will aerate more efficiently, which will make their greens more playable more quickly and will require less maintenance, resulting in fewer complaints from players."


The two companies didn’t enter into the deal blindly. They combined forces in March to offer enhanced services and discovered then that the combination of their services was advantageous. Now Profile has taken the partnership to the next level by buying DryJect.


Both brand names will continue to appear on products. DryJect employees shouldn’t see any changes resulting in the sale other than the fact that they are now Profile employees. Van Drumpt and des Garennes will remain involved in the daily management of DryJect services.


More information can be found at www.dryject.com or www.profileproducts.com.

July 2006
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